Royal Fortress of Chinon

Lumenbeam luminaires bring new, dynamic lighting to the Royal Fortress of Chinon. 

The Royal Fortress of Chinon is one of the jewels of Touraine. Built in the 12th century on a rocky outcrop, it overlooks the River Vienne and the old town. The Departmental Council of Indre-et-Loire, who owns the premises, wished to highlight the building's heritage with a complete and dynamic lighting.

For NOCTABENE and KANDELA, the lighting designers, the major challenge was to develop a variety of dramatic lighting designs while meeting very strict environmental constraints and minimizing any visual impact. They also had to create a custom-made, programmable system to illuminate the castle according to seasons or events. "The installation had to emphasize the reliefs and the specificities of the fortress and draw attention to certain architectural details using 4 scenarios: daily, glittering, medieval (red and gold) or royal blue," explains Pascal Gougeon, lighting designer for KANDELA. "In order to do so, we needed to be able to perfectly dose the hues and their brightness and set the devices to very specific dimensions."

For Christophe Canadell, lighting designer at NOCTABENE, the choice of Lumenpulse was self-evident. "We had already collaborated with Lumenpulse and had particularly appreciated the flexibility of their fixtures, the high performance of their optics and their expertise with DMX-controlled luminaires. We had full confidence in the team."

The Lumenpulse team worked closely with NOCTABENE and KANDELA in the field, carrying out extensive testing to select devices, validate optics and intensities, and ensure DMX access in difficult areas. Thus, 316 projectors, including 258 projectors supported by 32 specially sized totems and 88 recessed spotlights, were installed inside and around the ramparts.

This arrangement made it possible to highlight some details of the fortress while minimizing the visual impact of the fixtures. "Our goal was to highlight only what should be, without any loss," explains Pascal Gougeon. "For instance, we used the Lumenpulse honeycomb on projectors to reduce glare. Thanks to Lumenpulse luminaires, we were able to provide a more complete lighting while reducing electricity consumption by 30% compared to the old, partial lighting."

All local media have reported positive comments about the new lighting design while the Chairman of the County Council has referred to a "new dimension" given to the site and the region. This new design will undoubtedly put the Royal Fortress of Chinon on the map of the world.

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Ubicación: Chinon, Francia
Tipo de proyecto: Arte y Cultura
Cliente: Conseil départemental de l’Indre-et-Loire
Diseño de iluminación: NOCTABENE and KANDELA
Programación: Lumières Utiles
Fotógrafo: Camille Saada

We had collaborated with Lumenpulse in the past and had particularly appreciated the flexibility of their fixtures, the high performance of their optics and their expertise with DMX-controlled luminaires. We had full confidence in the team.

Christophe Canadell
Lighting Designer